Negative, Film

Stewart Collection ➔ Negative, Film

Archival Item

Black and white negative of Western Canada Airways Ltd. airplane, "Penguin" registration CF-ABA (a Boeing B-1E). Sitting on the nose of the plane are two men, John Patterson and Gordon Stewart. Patterson is holding a dog. Bending over the cockpit is another man. The airplane is on water at a docking facility; buildings and ships visible in the background; most likely Vancouver.
Western Canada Airways was based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, but the "Penguin" was based in Vancouver, B.C. (Canadian Civl Aircraft Register)
Gordon Stewart joined Yukon Airways & Exploration Company Ltd. in the summer of 1929 when the company purchased a new Ryan B5, to be the Queen of the Yukon II. The plane was picked up in St. Louis, Missouri by pilot John Patterson and flown to Seattle, Washington. It was in Seattle that Gordon Stewart began his tenure with Yukon Airways. Floats were fitted on the plane at Renton airport and they began their barnstorming trip up the west coast of B.C. on their way to the Yukon.