• Invoice

Stewart Collection ➔ Invoice

Archival Item

2008.5.49 a-b
Typed, paper invoice from Edo Aircraft Corporation to Yukon Airways. Company letterhead at top middle of document reads "Edo Aircraft Corporation / Standardized All Metal Floats/and/ Flying Boats/ College Point N.Y."
Invoice is dated June 5, 1930 in the amount of $6.84. Invoice is billed to:
Yukon Airways
1702 Palm Ave
Seattle, Washington
This is the home address of Gordon Stewart's parents. The back of the invoice contains the company's warranty information.
Envelope addressed as above, postmarked June 5, 1930, Flushing, N.Y. PR corner has company logo: a fish with wings and the word "Edo" in the centre. Prepaid 2 cent US postage stamp in upper PL corner.
Stewart and Patterson barnstormed up the coast of B.C. in September, 1929. One stop was at Ocean Falls, B.C. It was here that Stewart recounts in his 1977 interview that flights were given here to women from "houses of ill repute". The pair spent about three weeks in Ocean Falls, so Helen may or may not have been a women from the above mentioned houses of ill repute.