• Papers

Stewart Collection ➔ Papers

Archival Item

Typewritten, three-page address in tribute to John Melvin Patterson on behalf of Yukon Order of Pioneers (YOOP) of which Patterson was an honorary member.
The address gives a brief biography of Patterson, details his aviation achievements and commends his character and conviction.
Also included is with the address is a four-page typewritten article dated November 8, 1929 and provides information on the death and circumstances of Patterson's death. details include the fact that this was the first airplane fatality in the Yukon; the manner in which the plane crashed; information on Yukon Airways and Exploration Company Ltd. as well as a biography of John Patterson.
The articles also makes reference to the above address in tribute.
The address in tribute to John Melvin Patterson was "...delivered at the service at Pioneer Cemetery, at Mayo, Yukon Territory, November 7, 1929, on behalf of the order, by Brother Charles B. Settlemier, honary member of the same lodge."
Patterson was an Honary Member of Dawson Lodge No. 1 of the Yukon Order of Pioneers (YOOP).