
Stewart Collection ➔ Receipt

Archival Item

Handwritten receipt for the amount of $175.00. Made out to Gordon Stewart for fare from Dawson to Whitehorse with Yukon Airways and Exploration Company Ltd. The receipt was issued and signed by W.A. Puckett of Whitehorse, Yukon. W.A. Puckett was the president of Yukon Airways and Exploration Company Ltd. and a Whitehorse merchant.
William Allan Puckett was born in Missouri in 1869 and came to the Yukon via the Chilkoot Pass in 1897. In 1902, he married Anna Bettie Harper, who had 3 children from a previous marriage: Archie Loren, George Camden and Deyo Frances. The Pucketts owned and operated the first two roadhouses out of Whitehorse. In 1907, the family moved into Whitehorse so that Deyo Puckett could attend school. William Puckett then purchased a hardware store that he operated until 1936. Anna Puckett died in 1934. In 1937, William left the Yukon and immigrated back to the United States. He went to Seattle for a cataract operation and fell in love with his nurse, Margaret Jones. They married and settled in Long Beach, California. William Puckett died in 1940.