• Contract

Stewart Collection ➔ Contract

Archival Item

Typed, two page paper employment contract between John M. Patterson and Clyde G. Wann of Yukon Airways and Exploration Company, Ltd. Dated September 1st, 1928, the contract details the conditions of employment for John Patterson as pilot for Yukon Airways. The contract was for six months beginning September 8th, 1928 and ending March 8th, 1929. Yukon Airways agreed to pay Patterson "the sum of fifty (50) dollars per week, expenses, room and board, and transportation..."
John Patterson agreed "to furnish services as a transport pilot, to operate any plane which the party of the first may put at the disposal of the party of the second".
Signed in ink by John M. Patterson and Clyde G. Wann
Yukon Airways and Exploration Company, Ltd. was formed in 1927 by Clyde G. Wann as president and Andy Cruickshank as chief pilot. It was the first commercial airline in the Yukon. It had the air mail contract and helped to open up the Yukon. The company was essentially defunct by 1930, with three crashed planes and the first Yukon aviation fatality, John "Pat" Patterson, pilot for Yukon Airways.