• Letter

Stewart Collection ➔ Letter

Archival Item

2008.5.11 a-b
Typewritten, one-page letter with handwritten notes from Gordon Stewart to Wilda McCormick, dated January 5, 1930.
Return address on envelope reads "G.K. Stewart/ c/o Yukon Airways/ Mayo, Y.T. " A Yukon Airways & Exploration Co. Ltd. 25 cent stamp is affixed to the front of the envelope along with a 2 cent Canada Postage stamp. A self adhesive post band is affixed across the bottom of the envelope and reads " Air Mail - Care of Yukon Airways & Exploration Co. Ltd. Postmarked Jan 24, 1930, Whitehorse.
"Tell your govenor that driving a truck up here is interesting beyond words. We mixed kerosene with the oil in the differential and even then should you stop for an hour you wouldn't be able to move."
"We use double strips of Pyraline (celluloid) on the wind shield and even then it keeps one fellow busy wiping off the frost. The bare windshield itself has has nearly a quarter inch of frost on it. And on top of all that grief it has snowed so much that the road has built up a foot and when you get off of it with five tins of ore it is one grand job getting on again."
Gordon Stewart later married Wilda McCormick on July 25, 1931. Although the Yukon Airways & Exploration Co. Ltd stamp and post band would indicate that this letter was send via air mail, the company was essentially defunct at this point as the Northern Light (G-CAUZ) was wrecked in a crash at Coalmine Lake near Carmacks on November 29, 1929 and the Queen of the Yukon II crashed November 2, 1929.