Baseball Cap

Baseball Cap


Bright red baseball cap with a logo reading "Trans North Air Helicopter and Fixed Wing" across the front
Trans North Helicopters has served the Yukon for over half a century by modern day, formed in 1967 and surviving good times as well as bad to serve the territory all the way through. Its services extend across the entire Yukon, courtesy of its bases in Whitehorse, Dawson, Haines Junction, Ross River, Carmacks, and Mayo. Furthermore, its helicopters can cover a good range, with Bell BH206 long-range carriers forming a key part of the fleet alongside some Astar AS350 models. The company’s peak-traffic takes place towards the summer’s end, circa late-August to early-September, as fall colours appear and the Yukon’s Tombstone Mountains offer spectacular views for tourists. However, mountain-tours are regular throughout the summer-season for tourists and surveyors, and winter-flights for either pleasure, pick-ups, or drop-offs can be chartered as well