• Quilt



Quilting piece
Quilt made by Vanessa Austin for 2019 Alaska Highway Quilting Exhibit titled "THE ALCAN HIGHWAY IN QUILTS", organized by the Kluane Quilter's Guild.
"Alaska Highway-A Memoir is based on the images blazed into my mind by this roadway. Golden fall leaves, flaming red fireweed lining the ditches and forest edges, and wildlife lingering in the trees. The distant peaks with caps of snow reflect the cloudless icy blue sky while nearby hills and mountains are resplendent in their deep hues of low bush fall foliage. Iconic blue bridges allow safe passage over rushing glacial streams and rivers, and abandoned road houses whisper long histories of travelers.
Leaning dark spruce dispersed among the gold, holding fast despite strong winds and sandy ground are, to me, symbolic of First Nations and all Yukoners, standing strong and steadfast, surviving and thriving through the long dark winters."
Vanessa Austin